1920 3 days' holiday (without pay)
1931 6 days' holiday (with pay)
1938 14 days' holiday
1952 3 weeks' holiday
1972 3 weeks' holiday + 3 days
1973 4 weeks' holiday
1979 5 weeks' holiday
2003 5 weeks holiday + 5 days
Weekly working hours:
1920 48 hours
1959 45 hours
1966 44 hours
1968 42 1/2 hours
1970 41 3/4 hours
1974 40 hours
1986 39 hours
1987 38 1/2 hours
1988 38 hours
1989 37 1/2 hours
1990 37 hours
Political/union milestones:
1978 Danish Equal Treatment Act
1976 Danish Equal Pay Act
1975 Danish Working Environment Act
1973 Denmark member of the EC/EU
1973 Danish Industrial Court Act
1971 Economic Democracy
1968 Management and cooperation
1966 Sick pay scheme
1967 Red LO (Danish Federation of Trade Unions) report (Economic Democracy)
1956 Old age pension
1947 First cooperation committee agreement
1938 Danish Holidays with Pay Act
1924 First Social Democratic Government
1920 8 hours' working day
1912 Formation of the Central Organization of Danish Metal Workers, now the Central Organization of Industrial Employees in Denmark (CO-industri)
1910 2nd International's Congress in Copenhagen
1901 The victory of the principle of Cabinet responsibility and the consequent change of the Danish political system
1899 September Agreement
1878 Social Democratic Party
1873 First collective agreement
1870 Birth of the trade union
1849 Political democracy (the Constitution)