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​Principal elements of collective agreement renewals since 1991 -2000

​Principal elements of collective agreement renewals since 1991 -2000.

CA 1991:

1. The four-year collective agreement period is replaced by a two-year period.

2. The wage control provision in the collective agreement is removed.

3. Establishment of a labour market pension on 1 January 1993.

4. Minimum pay rates are increased.

5. The influence of the shop steward is strengthened.

6. Right to one week off per year for relevant training.

7. If a worker is injured at his workplace, the employer is under an obligation to pay up to 2 weeks' wages.

8. The collective agreement introduces rules on weekend work if both parties are interested in it.

9. All rates are increased by 6 per cent on 1 March 1991.


CA 1993: 

1. Five collective agreements are gathered together in one.
2. Full pay during sickness for the first fourteen days of the period of sickness.
3. A working time committee is set up with the object of making preparations for the working time section of the Industrial Agreement so that it covers all types of working time - including working hours of shifts.
4. Setting up of an actual employment committee to follow and intensify the efforts to create new jobs through specific initiatives.
5. Increase of various rates.


CA 1995: 

3-year agreement:
Variable weekly working hours:
Clause 9(2) of the agreement is deleted and replaced by a new subclause (2):
(a) Provided that local agreement can be reached, the working hours of all workers or groups of workers may be fixed as variable working hours per week as long as the weekly working hours are thirty-seven hours on average over a six-month period.
(b) The adoption of variable weekly working hours shall be conditional upon such working hours being fixed for up to twelve months at a time.
Any hours in excess of 37 per week may be taken as full days off subject to local negotiation without such days having been specified in the work schedule as long as they are within the agreed period, cf. (a) above. It may be agreed to accumulate the wages for application in connection with the hours off concerned.
(c) In the case of new engagements during a period with a number of working hours lower than the average, wage levelling may be established for a period of time.
(d) Overtime or staggered hours in connection with the fixed variable daily working hours as agreed shall be paid for in accordance with clauses 13 and 14 of this Agreement.
(e) The organisations agree that any failure to reach agreement may be made the subject of a discussion between the organisations.
(f) Such agreements may be terminated by giving two months' notice to expire at the end of a period as set out in clause 8 of this Agreement.
(g) Any current agreements, cf. clause 9(3) of the 1993 Agreement, shall cease on the expiration of the agreement, however not later than on 1 January 1996.
40-hour week determined by the employer:
The parties to the agreement agree that clause 9(3) of the agreement shall be deleted.
The ATP contribution is increased to 15 per cent.
Amendment of clause 11.
The parties agree that clause 11(1) and (2) shall be amended to:
11. - Tools, machinery, etc. shall be fully utilised during the working time applicable in the enterprise. The employer may carry out timekeeping control.
The shiftwork agreement:
Shiftwork is incorporated into the working time rules.
Payment for outwork (unchanged).
Sick pay:
The employer pays sick pay for up to four weeks from the first full day of absence.
Maternity leave in industry:
The provision enters into force on 1 March 1997.
Seniority rules/notice periods: 
A provision is incorporated into clause 25(6)(2)(a) of the agreement to the effect that workers who have been employed by the same enterprise for six months are entitled to fourteen days' notice on the part of the employer.
Continuing training:
When, as decided by the enterprise, a worker attends courses for which an allowance for loss of earnings is paid, the worker will receive his normal wages exclusive of any premiums and allowances.
Employment agencies:
Protocol included in the Organisation Agreements of Industry.
Collective Agreement for Salaried Employees 
The Collective Agreement for Salaried Employees covers the members of the Danish Association of Professional Technicians and the Union of Commercial and Clerical Employees in Denmark, HK/Industri, which now have got a collective agreement for salaried employees in the industrial sector.


CA 1998

2-year agreement:
The Official Conciliator's mediation proposal for the agreement between DI (Confederation of Danish Industries) and CO was defeated in a ballot with record high attendance. 41.8 per cent of those entitled to vote in industry voted yes while 57.9 per cent voted no. This resulted in a big industrial conflict which lasted 11 days and Government intervention which reduced employers' sick pay, cut the agreed increases in pension contributions by 0.4 per cent and introduced the new concepts of days off for families with children and days off for holiday purposes:
Normal working hours must be between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Normal working hours per week are thirty-seven hours for ordinary daywork, day shifts and for work during staggered hours.
(2) Provided that local agreement can be reached, the working hours of all workers or groups of workers may be fixed as variable working hours per week as long as the weekly working hours are thirty-seven hours on average over a twelve-month period.
For work on second and third shifts the working time is reduced from 35 to 34 hours. 
24 December (Christmas Eve) will be a paid day off.
Workers who have been continuously employed by the enterprise for at least nine months are entitled to one day off for holiday purposes every year.
Payment is made as for sickness.
Workers who have been employed continuously for at least six months and who for one or more children are entitled to take the day off on the child's first day of sickness are entitled to two days off in 1998 and to 3 days off from 1999.
The minimum pay is increased by DKK 2 twice to a total of DKK 80.40 per hour.
Maternity pay is increased from DKK 95 to DKK 115 for hourly-paid workers, for salaried employees from DKK 15,232 to DKK 18,438 per month.
The inconvenience allowance is increased by 8.5 per cent.
Wages of apprentices, pupils and trainees are increased by up to 18 per cent.
Agreement on distance/home work.
More money for training in industry.
The pension contribution is increased to a total of 5.3 per cent, for salaried employees 4.4.


CA 2000

The agreement’s duration is 4 years. During this period the wage levels are, as is traditional in the Danish industrial relations system, determined by enterprise level agreements. Enterprise bargaining takes place once every year.
1. Extra 5 holidays for all – bringing the effective total up to 6 weeks paid holiday. The holidays are replacing the single holiday for all and the three special holidays for parents with children under the age of 14, which was introduced by the government, when it legislated on the collective agreement in 1998. The first 4 days are effective 1/5-2001, the last day 2/5 2003.
2. The contribution to the pension scheme is increased as follows:
Employer contribution Employee contribution
1. July 2000 0,8 % 0,2 %
1. July 2001 0,2 % 0,1 %
1. July 2002 0,8 % 0,4 % 
1. July 2003 0,8 % 0,4 % 
This brings the total contribution up to 9 % for workers and 8,1 % for salaried employees, 2/3 paid by the employer and 1/3 paid by the employee. This difference between the two groups is due to the fact that the workers group entered the pension scheme two years later than the salaried employees. This agreement rectifies the “discount” on the employers share of the pension payment, which they received from the government through the legislation in 1998.
3. For the first 14 weeks of maternity leave, the pay is increased, from 1/6-2000 to 120 Dkr/hour and from 1/5-2003 to full pay. This agreement concerns the supplement paid by the employer over and above the public contribution of 2055 DKR per week (corresponds to approx. 55 Dkr/hour).
4. Payment of full wages during illness is extended from currently 4 weeks to 5 weeks from 1/5 2000. This is also a supplementary payment over and above the public contribution of 2055 Dkr/hour.
5. Payment in connection to child’s first day of illness is increased to full pay from 1/6.2001.
6. The minimum level of pay is increased from 80,40 Dkr as follows:
1. March 2000 82,40 Dkr
1. March 2001 84,40 Dkr
1. March 2002 86,40 Dkr
For 2003 a separate bargaining round will take place on the minimum wages. This round will be conducted with the obligation to peace, and in case of disagreement the parties have agreed to call in a special mediator.
7. The wage rates of apprentices are increased with 3-4% per year per 1. March 2000, 2001 and 2002. For 2003 a separate bargaining round will take place on the apprentice wages similar to the one on the minimum wage.
8. The different benefits will be increased by 5 % from 1/3 2000 and 2% from 1/3 2002. For 2003 a separate bargaining round will take place on the benefits similar to the one on the minimum wage.
9. The working time can be fixed on a weekly, and if local agreement exists monthly or annual basis.
10. In case of experiments the agreement opens the possibility to agree on working time arrangements deviating from the collective agreement. This has to be approved by the parties in each single case.
11. The parties have agreed to work for gradual integration of the agreements for workers and salaried employees.
The agreement is expected to cost approximately 1% per year. This does not include the results of the enterprise level wage bargaining.

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